Q: On April 10, 2023, President Biden announced the end of the COVID-19 Emergency. This changed the previously announced date of May 11, 2023. Did this change any of the benefits deadlines? Did the government issue any further employer guidance?
A: The announcement on April 10, 2023, changed the deadline for the HIPAA, COBRA, claims procedures and review process time frames. Employers can return to the non-extended deadlines on June 9, 2023.
The deadline for the coverage of COVID-19 diagnostic tests and related services still ends on May 11, 2023. Additional guidance from government agencies states if the changes are made to a plan or coverage after the end of the PHE or national emergency, plan sponsors and employers must clearly communicate these changes, including any limitations to benefits, to participants and beneficiaries before they take effect.
The Department of Labor has updated the Response to the COVID-19 website with a section entitled “Ending of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency” with information for employers and employees.
Employer groups will want to refer to our original Questions of the Day – End of Pandemic and Health Plans.
For more information regarding the updated deadline, click the link below.
COVID-19 National Emergency Ends Sooner Than Previously Announced