A Message From UPMC Health Plan


We are sending you this message on behalf of UPMC in case you did not receive it. If you have any questions, please contact UPMC directly or your Liberty Account Manager. We hope you and your family are healthy and well.

No-Cost Premium Deferment

While financial assistance for impacted businesses may be available from a variety of sources, business owners shouldn’t have to worry that administrative delays in receipt of loans or grants could be the difference in maintaining coverage for their employees. For any eligible group that is facing extreme hardship and is applying for State or Federal financial support through the Paycheck Protection Program, Pennsylvania COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program (CWCA), an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan or other similar program, we will defer, at the group’s option, their full April or May premium. This deferral will not be subject to any fee or interest charge for up to 6 months. Premium Deferment groups will be required to sign a Deferment Agreement and will have the option of paying back the deferred premium upon receipt of their financial assistance disbursement or over three monthly installments in July, August, and September 2020.No specific loan or assistance program is required for groups requesting this relief, but we encourage clients to evaluate the Paycheck Protection Program, which may allow for 100% loan forgiveness when used to pay for certain expenses that include group health insurance premiums. For more information on this program click the links below:

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