Insurance carriers understand that many of you are doing your part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home. That means less cars on the road, driving fewer miles, which results in a decrease of auto claims.
Because of this decreased exposure and as a way to help out those in need, some carriers are offering a credit on auto premiums for the months of April and May. So far the credits range from 15% to 20%.
If you qualify for a credit, your insurance carrier will be reaching out to you with additional information and they will automatically refund your account.
Encompass Insurance clients are also being offered free Identity Protection from Encompass’ Parent Company, Allstate. Please click the link for additional information
If you would like to know if your carrier is offering a credit or if you have any other additional questions, please reach out to your personal lines account manager at 412-571-5700.
Thank you