Q: Can our safety committee miss monthly meetings during the COVID-19 crisis?


A: The inability to hold meetings during this defined crisis period will not impact your compliance evaluation which is done based on a three-year period.

Q: What happens if all of our committee members do not receive their annual training?
A: In situations where all committee members did not receive annual training, it will not be regarded as non-compliance. Health and safety will continue offering the certification at least once a week throughout the COVID-19 situation. Committee members can register for certification training by going to the PATHS training calendar at www.dli.pa.gov/PATHS.

Q:Will there be an extension to the time frame for renewal or new applications?
A: Everyone is encouraged to attempt to submit their applications via handS within the regulated time frame of 90-30 days prior to the policy renewal for initial applications and 90-15 days prior to the policy renewal for renewal applications, however those with a submission deadline that falls within the defined COVID-19 crisis period will be accepted late.

The above answers are from the PA DLI – Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. For further details visit https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Compensation/Pages/default.aspx

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact your Liberty Advisor.

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