A: The PA Department of Health has released a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding various issues addressed in the mandate. The guidance includes the following:
Guidance on Employer Responsibility when you have had a confirmed case of COVID-19includes:
- Length of time to wait to clean business.
- Directive to follow the CDC Guidance on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
- Temperature Mandate for 14 days for all employees upon discovery that the business has been exposed to a person who has a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19.
Mask Requirement
- Clarification that scarves, bandannas, or other face covering will suffice in place of a masks.
- PA Guidance for Homemade Masks During COVID-19
- PA’s Department of Community and Economic Development’s PA COVID-19 PPE & Supplies Directory
- FAQ on exceptions that can be made when wearing a face mask in the workplace.
Social Distancing
- Confirmation of Business occupancies at 50% with the exception of funeral homes.
- Requirement of break and shift staggering.
Code Enforcement
- The Department has created a web form for employees to report violations that is available at: https://expressforms.pa.gov/apps/pa/doh/COVID-19-Complaint
- Employers are encouraged to share the FAQ with their employees.
We encourage employers to read the FAQ in its entirety to help them understand their responsibilities. Click here for the FAQ Document from the PA Department of Health.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact your Liberty Advisor.