Q: What does our business need to consider now that our employees are returning to work?


A: As employees return to the work site, employers will need to consider and understand:

Employers should make sure employees are educated on new policies that have been put into place, these should include:

  • Updated Company Policies
  • Personal Protection Equipment and Company Guidelines
  • COVID-19 Symptoms
  • Social Distancing Guidelines
  • Sanitation Stations
  • Employee Signage
  • Employee Testing Policy if Applicable
  • Return to Work Considerations after Absence
  • Flexibility to Modify Practices and Policies as the Guidance Changes

A company may want to create a pandemic response team to ensure the proper policies and procedures are implemented, employees educated, and the policies are updated regularly.  The team may vary depending on your business, we suggest appointing a Team Leader to assign responsibilities and including individuals in your organization who are responsible for Human Resources, building maintenance and safety, supervisors, managers and others whom you will rely on to ensure compliance with the new protocols.

The following attachments should be edited for your unique situation:

Additional resources may be found at the links below:

CDC Stay at Home Sign

OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

OSHA Guidance for Control and Prevention and Protecting Workers

CDC Business and WorkplacesInterim Guidance for Businesses and Employers Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), May 2020

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact your Liberty Advisor.



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